Depression Self Help:
Natural Treatments for Depression

You would be surprised how many natural treatments for depression are so effective. You need but to try them and see for yourself…

For many years I spent time, money and energy looking for anti-depressants, and counselors. I blamed everything from my childhood to my genes, to not taking the right medication.

When I shifted the focus on how to help myself, I found the answer to be so simple. Here I share some of the simplest natural treatments for depression that worked for me almost immediately. This, after more than 20 years of suffering debilitating depression.

Methods I’ve learned from others who’ve beat depression. That’s why I do them myself. I emulated others who are successful. Wouldn’t you?

Here I give you a list of natural remedies for depression you can use as a checklist to keep on track.

These are easy techniques, but you have to commit to do them. These treatments for depression are extremely effective, and serve as a healthy way to live your life.

Here's the list of treatments for depression. Everybody’s different, so I recommend you follow all or some of the following. The links give you for more detailed explanations:

  • Learn About Depression. Know what you are against, so you know how to fight depression.
  • Skip Caffeine, Sugar and Alcohol. This is a biggie! This alone can get rid of depression for many. These substances considerably alter your body’s function and moods.

    Avoiding all caffeine, processed sugar and alcohol is very difficult because they all promote addiction. But they also promote depression. So you must quit these..!

    If you do not follow any other advice, follow this one. It may be the most important in your fight against depression.
  • Eat Foods that Fight Depression. Eat nutritious and healthy meals. Include "healthy" snacks in between meals. Select depression foods as often as you can.
  • Vitamins and Supplements. Take your vitamins. Preferably through healthy meals to include fruits and vegetables. Consider supplements if your diet does not cover your vitamin requirements.
  • Stay Hydrated. Stay hydrated all day. Drink about 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of fluid daily. Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. Water is your friend. Consider drinking teas that invigorate mind and body.
  • Mindfulness. Be self aware all of the time. Mindfulness is your mind looking at your mind.
  • Restful Sleep. Figure out how many hours you need for restful sleep. Then sleep that much every time. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. Avoid naps.
  • Thankfulness. Keep a daily log of what you are grateful for. At least three items. Let it flow if you want to increase your list. The more the better.
  • Meditation. Meditate daily. One to three times a day. Once a day is good, twice is great, and three times is excellent.
  • Pocket Your Worries. Write down your anxiety producing thoughts and worries; put them away, and schedule a daily 20 minute worry time. Live the rest of the day free of worry.
  • Journal Depression Away. Journal daily, the good the bad and the ugly. To keep things in perspective, always write down three of more things you are grateful for.
  • Excercise. Exercise daily to include aerobics 6 to 7 times per week, and strength training at least 3 times per week.
  • Fight Depression Selfishness. Practice empathy for others. Loose the self-defeating talk.

In addition I recommend you follow my blog and free newsletter to get the latest updates, and free depression help action tips.

There you have it. A set of extremely effective treatments for depression.

Keep your guard up! When depression leaves you, maintain these practices, because depression tends to return when we let our guards down.

I’ve been there. Soon you’ll feel great. You may want to slack a little, or a lot...


If you let your guard down, soon enough something may happen to trigger depression again. Life happens, and stressful situations affect everybody, with no exceptions!

Try to remember that you are feeling great because of these treatments for depression, and keep doing them as a continuous routine. Practicing these techniques increases your ability to become resilient. To get to the mental state you want to be in, and have the ability to be happy, and joyful!

There are uncontrollable life events that can challenge you, and take you out of routine, and away from following your depression help list. These events can trigger depression symptoms again.

Following these set of treatments for depression, you’ll be able to recognize those signs, and keep depression away.

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