Self Injury


NOTE From Editor: Names changed to protect privacy.
My friend Jane has been cutting herself, and it has been making me very upset and worried. I've been looking things up online for ways to help her get through this. She told me the reason why was because her bestfriend started a rumor that she was a whore. Which is NOT true at all! she liked John, a guy who she has liked for like 3 years now but he dosen't feel the same way. She thinks it'd be best if she just acted shy and very unlike herself. Which I think this is the reason of him not likeing her.

Answer: Hello and thank you for sharing. Self injury should always be taken seriously. Although you may feel that you'd be betraying her confidence, self injury is too big of a problem for anyone to deal with on their own. I recommend you suggest your friend talk to her parents, a teacher, school counselor or a trusted adult. She needs more help than even a good friend can provide. You can definitely provide love and support, but after and "when" she gets help.

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