Depression Help:
Causes of Depression

There are different schools of thought about causes of depression. These causes cover a realm of biological, psychological, and social reasons. The following are common questions and misconceptions about depression:

  • Depression Gene Pool?
    A popular theory is that depression is passed on through our genes. That it is a hereditary condition passed through generations. Studies trying to link genes to depression have not found any conclusive evidence of this theory(1).
  • Is Depression a Disease?
    Another ongoing debate of the causes of depression is whether depression is a disease. Depression causes many physiological symptoms, so the pursuit of this theory continues. Although there are medications to treat the effects of depression, this does not prove that depression itself is caused by physical ailment.
  • Does Depression Emerge From A Way Of Thinking?
    This theory would suggest that depression self help would be as easy as using positive affirmations, and eventually the symptoms of depression would simply disappear.

Perhaps there’s a better explanation for depression. One that involves all of these causes of depression.

Dr. Stephen Diamond in his article, “Is depression a disease?” maintains that, "depression has a combination of all three biological, psychological, and social causes. A biopsychosocial syndrome which treatment should go beyond medication." (2)

Depression Cause and Effect

The depression as an illness debate leads to the question, which comes first the chicken or the egg?

Do changes in our body chemistry cause us to become depressed? Or does our sadness, stress, and other perceived suffering cause our depression?

A person who experiences stress and is in a low mood will naturally change its biochemistry. The sadder we get, and the longer the sadness lasts, the stronger the symptoms of depression become.

Neurotransmitter hormone production, such as serotonin (the happy hormone), also changes.

The 1945 Depression Effect

Studies of the causes of depression have found that there is an unusually significant increase in population suffering from depression since 1945.

Depression is ten times more likely to affect people born after 1945 compared to those born before that year.

Considering this information, human physiology and hereditary genes could not change that fast from one generation to another.

This would also lead us to believe that depression may come from the changes in culture, such as diminishing family life.

Is There A Cure For Depression?

Although medication can relieve debilitating effects of depression, further treatment is needed to get to the root cause of the problem.

In many cases depression has proven to be reoccurring, which means there is no one-time-fix-all pill that we can take.

It takes a change of behaviors, both mental and physical to end depression.

In this depression self help website I provide tools that can help any person end depression.

You don’t have to be depressed to benefit from these practices. These depression self help remedies free your mind and body from the grips of depression.

Not only that, you become healthier than ever before...

You take care of your mind and body, the two characteristics that are always interrelated in depressed people.

The causes of depression may be an illness, or a way of thinking, or both. When you combine practices to monitor, interrupt, and control your current way of thinking, and...

You monitor, interrupt and control your body responses, you are well on your way to recovery.

You do not have to stop seeing your doctor or therapist to use these depression self help remedies. I encourage you to share this with your doctor and therapist and develop a plan to follow and monitor your progress.

The depression self help “treatments” can only enhance what you are already doing.

Hopefully your doctor and therapist are helping. I merely suggest you go above and beyond. I'm giving you the tools to be proactive about dealing with depression.

Perhaps you recognize you have the symptoms, but are not seeking professional help. I would suggest you start these self help treatments for depression right away.

Depression, to me, has been a blessing in disguise. Without depression I would never have had to strive to find a cure. In the process becoming much healthier in body and mind.

Without depression I would never have achieved this level of development and self control of mind, body and soul. I love being in self control of my mind and emotions. I have greatly enhance the health of my mind and body.

You can too!

You not only achieve better health. You also unleash hidden intelligence. Thinking, learning, and creative powers within you.

See how I accidentally got rid of anxiety and depression while learning French listening to specialized music.

Thanks to the depression self help practices I enjoy life, my children, my relationship with my wife, and all those truly important events in life.

You can too. Read on...

Next in our depression learning section we'll discuss the last but very important subject. One of the biggest culprits of depression: Sleep deprivation.

(1) Caspi A et. al. 2003. Influence of Life Stress on Depression: Moderation in the 5-HTT Gene. Science 301: 386-389.
(2) Dr. Stephen Diamond. September 2001. “Is depression a disease?” Psychology Today.
Image 1:Image: Ambro /
Image 2:Image: Danilo Rizzuti /

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