Want to feel good? Sit up straight; it is your mind and body connection at work. This is a scientifically proven affirmation of the Buddhist approach to the mind’s connection to the body.
OK, so the effects of feeling good are not usually immediate, but those of us who have practiced Yoga and know that it makes you feel better, also know that the basic sitting position is with your spine as straight as possible.
Meditative gurus will explain about Chakras and forces of energy flowing through your body, and that’s all dandy, but it all can be affected with body posture.
Read here about how meditation helps depression.
I remember reading a passage in one of Anthony Robins’ books that gave me that Aha moment. He was talking to somebody who needed help with depression. Robbins asked, what do you have to do to feel depressed?
After some confusion from that person, Robbins explained; well, when you are depressed how are you breathing, how do you stand or sit; do you slouch? Are your movements fast or slow?
The man said he slouched, his breathing was shallow, and he would crawl into bed.
OK, said Robbins. That’s what you have to do when you feel depressed, now think of what you do when you feel happy or cheerful, and do that instead.
The mind following the body is a mysterious fact, but most people think of it backwards. We think of it as the body follows the mind.
We think that when we’re sad we slouch, or breathe differently, or don’t smile. These are in fact learned behaviors. Yes, trained behaviors.
The “un-training” is the tough part. The trick of the mind and body connection would be to make a list of what you “have” to do when you feel happy, or feel smart, or successful. Then start doing those things.
Here’s what to do
Read here about how exercise gets rid of your depression.
Repeating often is key to establishing a routine for the mind and body connection. Practice your desired posture, your smile, your breathing deeply, and other things you do when you feel good. Then do it again, so as to become as easy and automatic as driving a car or riding a bike.
Live well be happy, and sit up straight.
“Leaning to the left makes the Eiffel tower seem smaller.” From Academia.edu website 2 January 2013. http://www.academia.edu/843300/LEANING_TO_THE_LEFT_MAKES_THE_EIFFEL_TOWER_SEEM_SMALLER_POSTURE-MODULATED_ESTIMATION
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